Key Takeaways
At San Antonio Eye Specialists, we offer state-of-the-art cataract surgery that includes laser-assisted (femtosecond) cataract technology and premium lens implant options which can reduce or eliminate the need for glasses for distance vision, reading glasses or bifocals. Our practice offers Toric lenses which can help patients greatly with distance vision and multifocal lenses including the Johnson & Johnson Tecnis and Symfony lens implants to help patients see at various distances with little to no dependence on glasses.
Cataract patients with premium lens implants tell us they do not require glasses for driving a car, seeing the computer screen or reading a book. Femtosecond or laser-assisted technology, especially when combined with premium lenses, helps make cataract surgery outcomes more precise and more predictable than ever before, thus further enhancing visual outcomes for cataract patients.
A new lens, produced by Alcon, was recently FDA approved in August 2019. This new lens is the PanOptix Trifocal Intraocular Lens (IOL). The PanOptix lens has been available at San Antonio Eye Specialists shortly after its FDA approval. This lens allow patients to have exceptional vision at all distances. This technology is very similar to a multifocal design, but instead has trifocal lens design. This trifocal technology is the first in the United States to receive FDA approval.
The PanOptix Trifocal IOL contains a proprietary design that optimizes intermediate vision, without compromising near or distance vision. This often results in 20/20 or better vision at near, distance and intermediate ranges. In a clinical study, 99% of patients said they would chose the same lens again, which is a significant statement in patient satisfaction rate.
The PanOptix, along with Toric or multifocal IOLs, are wonderful options for patients that live an active lifestyle, enjoy reading or spend time on computer or phone screens. There also are studies that show having a multifocal or trifocal lens implant can even reduce accidental fall rates in seniors, when compared to bifocal or trifocal glasses. The lens is not covered by Medicare or other insurance carriers, and there are some out-of-pocket expenses associated with this procedure.
During your cataract evaluation, Dr. Iskander will discuss visual options, review diagnostic assessments and recommend a treatment plan based on candidacy, patient’s lifestyle and visual success of the procedure. Today, the life expectancy is higher, and people are living active lifestyles and wanting a life with reduced dependency on glasses. Advances in technology, combined with surgical skill and experience make Toric, mulitifocal and trifocal lenses viable options. Cataract surgery has come a long way!
I look forward to meeting you at your consultation.